The anti-blemish cure
Four products to naturally eliminate skin imperfections
Responsible and natural labeled cosmetics
100% French innovation and know-how
Formulated with healthcare professionals
Family business committed since 2016
Biosme is more than a natural and organic skincare brand. We created it to provide ultra high tolerance cosmetics which draw the best from nature and boost the skin's defences. Biosme treatments protect the skin's precious natural ecosystem and use the power of probioticsto restore balance.
our cosmetics provide everything your skin and hair need to preserve and restore their natural beauty! In our formulas, a concentrate of probiotic active ingredients that strengthen the skin's microbiota !
We have developed innovative formulas, without concession, in our small lab workshop in Paris and made a mini tour of France to select committed SMEs and talented to make our care.
We buy all our ingredients ourselves to ensure complete traceability from the place of production to our vats. We can tell the story of each product, each batch from A to Z, have demanding criteria that labels alone do not allow. And all this to offer you the best of nature and biotech at the service of the health of your skin.
Des huiles de soins fraiches première pression à froid issues des meilleurs terroirs de France et d'ailleurs.
Understand the principle
Quelques règles simples qui vous aideront à booster et protéger votre microbiome au quotidien
Choisir un déodorant lorsque l’on est enceinte est un vrai casse-tête. Ce produit cosmétique n’est pas sans danger, qu’il s’agisse de déodorants conventionnels ou de produits naturels. Le hic,...
Après avoir bénéficié des effets anti-inflammatoires et régénérateurs du soleil pendant l’été, votre peau a besoin d’un petit traitement préventif pour éviter le retour des boutons et des imperfections. Voici...